Peer Organizations
Peer Organizations
Stakeholder Resources
Established in 1905, the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) represents Alberta’s urban municipalities−including cities, towns, villages, summer villages, and specialized municipalities-where over 85% of Albertans live.
The Association of Summer Villages of Alberta (ASVA) was formed as a not for profit association to provide a common forum for all Summer Villages in the Province of Alberta, representing the interests of its members in dealings with the provincial government and other organizations.
12 summer villages adjacent to municipal divisions 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Lac Ste. Anne County.
P.O. Box 8 Alberta Beach, AB. T0E 0A0
Phone: 780-967-0271
Quick Links
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Copyright © 2021 - Summer Villages of Lac Ste. Anne County East